
MATLAB and computer simulations course for FH Regensburg students – PART I

MATLAB and computer simulations course for students FH Regensburg

 29.7. – 2.8.2013

Guaranty:  Prof. Ing. Zdeňka Benešová, CSc, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Prof. Dr.Ing. Roland Schiek, FH Regensburg,  Prof. Dr. Ing. Rainer Haller


  1. Opening of course  8:30 – 8:45
  2. MATLAB basics   (Polcar, Koudela)  8:45 – 10:15

download materials for the 1st part here

  • Environment basics – introduction, window environment, interpret style, menu system
  • Basic declarations – case sensitivity and basic working rules
  • Command Window, Workspace, History – properties, working with windows
  • Help Style, using help declarations with concrete commands
  •  MATLAB programming language and basic commands (use in linear algebra, square matrixes, elementary functions and basic operations with vectors)
  • Brackets (square, angle), parentheses. Semicolons and commas – meaning and usage.
  •  Matrix principles in MATLAB language (declarations and using with examples)
  • Matrix algebra (some functions), using “dot-operators” (like A.*B or A.’)
  • Selected helpful functions from help chapters elmat and elfun (like atan, angle, pascal, magic, det, inv, diag, sort, sum, min, max, size, etc.)
  • Matrixes with complex numbers (examples and functions)
  •  System of linear equations – solving (using matrix operations – examples)
  • Further functions – goniometrical functions, integral (quad), sorting.


  1. Basic graphical functions – graphs and figures (Polcar, Koudela)  10:30 – 12:00
  • M-files editor – basic functions (menu system, open, close, trace, name …)
  • Creating of basic MATLAB scripts (basic graphical output of a simple function, grid, plot(x, y), points, colours, axes, labels, title, scalling, etc.)
  • Functions with polynomial arguments (polyfun, polyval, etc.)
  • Curve fitting – linear, polynomial and spline regression, graphical output (functions polyfit and interp)


  1. MATLAB programming   (Polcar, Koudela)  13:00 – 14:30
  • Flow control statements – loops (for, while), conditions (if, switch-case), etc. Editing m-files – creating functions (examples – cumulative integral and equation solving, user data input)
  • Possible training, questions, discussion


  1. Advanced  functions  and practicing   (Polcar, Koudela)  14:45 – 16:15
  • ODE-functions – solving of first order ordinary differential equations, system of differential equations, higher orders differential equations.
  • Interactive input / output commands, user defined error messages, commentary (functions input, error, msgbox)



  1. ODE functions application   (Polcar, Koudela)  8:30 – 10:00
  • Examples of simple transient phenomena – RC, RLC circuit etc.


  1. ODE functions application – continue   (Polcar, Koudela) 10:15 – 12:15
  • Solving problems using ODE solver, creating own application.


  1. Introduction to 3D graphs   (Polcar, Koudela)  13:15 – 14:45
  • meshgrid, mesh, surf, surfl, colormap, shading, interp.
  • Examples of 3D functions (functions depended on two variables).
  • 3D curve – Line Plots of 3-D Data (plot3), examples – integral of 3D curve. Using 3D style on the complex grid and complex graphs.


  1. MATLAB – graphics, GUI and multimedia   (Polcar, Koudela)  15:00 – 16:30
  • Advanced settings of graphical outputs and graphical user interface (automated adjustment of figure size in depend on screen size etc.)
  •  Graphical user interface – drawing layout, development, predefined dialog boxes, advanced settings.
  •  Practicing, standalone working on examples with help of lecturers
  • Creating animated sequences (movies and animated graphics), audio-video functions.



  1. Fourier transformationsFFT (example, harmonic signal analysis – noised input signal)     (Polcar, Koudela)   8:30 – 09:00
  2. Autonomous working on more extensive example, working with complex numbers, applying ODE functions, dialog boxes, graphical interface, animations (with help of lecturers) (Polcar, Koudela)  9:00 – 10:00
  3. MATLAB test  (Polcar, Koudela) 10:30 – 11:30
  4. Results of MATLAB test  13:30 –13:45
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MATLAB and computer simulations course for FH Regensburg students – PART II

Prof. Ing. Zdeňka Benešová, CSc., University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Prof. Dr. Ing. Ronald Schieck, FH Regensburg, Prof. Dr. Ing. Rainer Haller

Prof. Ing. Zdeňka Benešová, CSc.
Ing. Roman Hamar, Ph.D., Ing. František Mach

Wednesday – continuation

Matrix analysis of networks – 1. and 2. incident matrix, methods of loop currents, nodal voltages
13:45 – 14:45 (Benešová)

Vorlesung – Teil 1

MATLAB instruction for steady-state analysis – DC and AC nodal analysis, DC and AC loop analysis, incidence matrix, resonance
14:45 – 16:45 (Hamar)

Download materials here



Matrix equation for transients analysis - theory
08:30 – 09:00 (Benešová)

Transient – Teil 2

MATLAB instruction for transients analysis
09:00 – 10:30 (Hamar, Mach)

Frequency-domain analysis, transfer functions – examples in MATLAB
10:45 – 12:15 (Hamar, Mach)

Practising – MATLAB files for steady-state and transient analysis, examples
13:15 – 14:45 (Hamar, Mach)

Introduction to LTSpice – Preparing problems for simulation, creating LTSpice models – working with standard blocks, setting up simulation preferences. Analyzing simulation results.
15:00 – 16:30 (Mach)

Download paper1 in pdf format here
Download paper2 in pdf format here


Independent practise + examination
08:30 – 10:30 (Mach, Hamar, Benešová)

Evaluation, closing summary
13:30 – 14:00

Form for the examination

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